Wrexham University is seeking individuals interested in joining its University Research Ethics Committee in a voluntary capacity as a Lay External Member.
We are looking for people interested in research to offer their expertise, enthusiasm, and objectivity to help ensure our research activities meet recognised best practice and ethical standards.
The Role
The University Research Ethics Committees review all University research projects involving more than minimal risk that include human participants, human material, personal data, research involving animals, or research which may have an impact on the environment.
Committee members are responsible for ensuring that University research projects are carried out in accordance with the ethical principles set by the University ethics policy and other relevant ethical guidelines.
Lay Members fulfil an important committee role and have the task of providing the public perspective in the research ethics review process.
The committee currently meet monthly and undertake the review of applications throughout the year remotely.
Who are we looking for?
Lay members come from a variety of backgrounds and fields of work, including lawyers, ethicists, health professionals, public service, clergy, and people from the local community. We are seeking applicants with an interest in using their experiences to contribute to the ethical review of our university research projects.
Induction and training for the role will be provided; however, Lay members should have a reasonable level of IT proficiency as the role will involve using several of the University’s digital platforms. Applicants should be independent of the University, declare any conflict of interest, maintain confidentiality regarding applications, meetings, information on research participants, and related matters.
Lay members are normally required to attend in full at least two-thirds of all scheduled Committee meetings in each academic year.
Benefits of Lay Participation
You will have the opportunity to provide your perspective and knowledge in order to help the committees consider the ethical aspects of research proposals. As a lay member, you will aid the integrity of the ethics committee, ensure procedures are rigorous, and that all members play an active part and promote the interests of the participants and community in research conducted by the University.
Informal enquiries about this role should be directed to Frances Thomason, Head of Research Services Frances.Thomason@wrexham.ac.uk. Formal expressions of interest should be sent to the Research Ethics Team, rescadmin@wrexham.ac.uk, along with a CV and a brief personal statement.
The deadline for applications is Monday 24th March. Thank you for your interest.